Roof Damage to Look Out For and Address Before Winter Ends

Freezing temperatures, ice, snow, and, wind can be hard on your siding, roof, and other parts of your home’s exterior. You shouldn’t wait for spring before addressing winter roof damage. Keep in mind that delaying repairs will only cause the problem to get worse and more expensive. 

Here are types of roof damage to look out for and address before winter ends. 

Ice Dams

When your attic isn’t properly insulated, warm, humid air won’t be able to escape from the space. This can cause snow to melt and drip to the colder edges of your roof and refreeze as ice. As long as you don’t address the problem, the cycle will repeat. Ice sams can also form due to clogged gutters. It can be a challenge to see if your roof has ice dams if it is frozen. If you believe that you’re experiencing this problem, contact your roofer immediately.

Wind Damage

High winds can cause shingles to lift, curl, or tear away. Water can penetrate through the exposed edges of the shingles and freezing temperatures can cause further damage to them. Have your roof inspected by a professional if you suspect that your shingles have been damaged by wind. It can be especially dangerous to climb up the roof during winter. For quality roofing and siding services, contact Renovation Team.  

Water Leaks 

A minor leak can become quickly become a major problem in the winter since ice expands when it freezes. Flashings, damaged fascias, and missing or damaged shingles are more prone to water leaks. Before winter, make sure to have your roofing system inspected and address roof repairs immediately. 

Turn to Renovation Team for your roofing and siding needs. We have been providing superior home exterior services for nearly two decades. Call us at (636)939-1061 or fill out our contact form to request a free quote. We work with homeowners in St. Charles, Creve Coeur, and St. Louis, MO.