Roof Sagging: Causes and Ways to Fix Your Roof

Your roof can protect your home from the elements for many years. But since no roof can last forever, it deteriorates and suffers from damage over time. An aging or damaged roof can sometimes develop an uneven appearance, which is often an indication that you need to replace your roof. 

Read on to find out the most common reasons behind roof sagging and what you can do about it.

Poor Construction

Poor roof structure is usually a result of improper construction of the rafters. Your roof structure must effectively and equally bear the weight of the materials on it. Otherwise, the roof will sag. Solving roof construction issues requires the help of dependable roofing professionals because they have the knowledge and experience to prevent your roof from collapsing as they reconstruct your roofing system.

Damage to the Roof’s Structural Elements

Your roof’s structural components are strong and durable, but they can be compromised if they have been exposed to water. Moisture will soften the wood, which would also likely rot. Make sure to call roofers to assess the damage and replace your roof as needed. It’s also important to note that regular roof inspections are crucial to preventing sagging as these allow you to detect leaks and stop the rot before they damage your roof extensively. 

Weakened Foundation

If your walls and house foundation have weakened, this could cause your roof to sag as well. High humidity, flooding and water damage to the basement are the usual culprits behind weakened foundations. In this case, the problem is not just with your roofing but with your entire property. It’s best to call reputable home builders and engineers to further investigate the issue.

Roof Decking Failure

If your sheathing is rotting, it can lead to roof sagging. This is often caused by leaks or exposure to water. You will need a complete roof replacement.

If you’re looking for the best roofers to fix your sagging roof, you can count on Renovation Team. Call us at (636) 939-1061, or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation.