Things to Consider When Picking Siding for Your Home

It’s important that the elements of your home complement each other to create a unified look. However, you should pick materials that offer both aesthetic appeal and protection against any harsh weather event.

In this post, your leading home improvement contractor gives helpful tips for choosing the best siding for your home.

Your Neighborhood – Walk or drive around your neighborhood, and check the color schemes of houses similar to yours. You may want your exterior to stand out, but you should consider a color scheme that blends well with your location. The more diverse the houses in your neighborhood are, the more liberty you have with your exterior’s palette.

New Construction or Replacement – Choose siding that’s similar to your existing one only if you’re replacing it. You can combine various siding profiles if your home is just being constructed. Mix and match different exterior looks using the LP® SmartSide® Visualizer. The tool lets you see how your home will look like with a new siding.

Home Style – The architectural features of your home can affect your siding material and color options. For instance, Colonial-style homes look well in white while certain other styles give you more freedom for color choices.

Home Size – Siding color swatches may appear different when viewed up close and on a larger scale. A dark-colored siding on a large house can give the property a gloomy and dominating look. On the other hand, light-colored siding can make a small home look bland. Remember that light colors mute the features you wish to hide while darker colors emphasize places you want to accentuate.

Roof Color – Your roof’s going to be there for quite a long time so you have to choose siding colors that would complement its color. Consider lighter-colored siding if your roofing material is dark and vice versa. You have more color options with a neutral-colored roof, however.

Only trust your siding replacement to a reputable contractor like Renovation Team. Our team will make sure you have the most durable and beautiful siding for your home. We are your leading provider of home remodeling services. Call us at (314) 200-2228, or complete our online form for a free quote. We work with homeowners in Creve Coeur, St. Charles and St. Louis, MO.