Tips for Filing Successful Claims for Storm-Damaged Roofs

While most roofing systems are designed to withstand almost anything Mother Nature can throw at it, one untimely storm can still cause some serious damage. So, as storm season approaches, homeowners should take steps to prepare for any possible eventuality. One way to help keep your roof protected is to review the coverage of your insurance policy.

The terms of insurance policies can be littered with legal jargon and might be difficult to understand for the layperson. Additionally, coverage can also differ from one policy to another. Luckily, despite these differences, there are a few points that almost all of them share. 

Document Everything

Filing a claim for roofing damage caused by severe weather begins with a thorough assessment of all the problems. You can help this process along by providing your own documentation of the events. As soon as it’s safe to go outside, take a camera, and photograph all affected areas on your roof and your home.

Contact Your Local Roofer

You may also call your local roofing company to conduct a full inspection of your roof. They will then write a report, enumerating everything that must be addressed by your claim. While an adjuster will conduct an investigation of their own, having a third-party roofing damage report can be helpful to cover all your bases.

Watch Out for Fraud

Unscrupulous roofing companies often go door-to-door as soon as a storm passes. These are storm chasers and must be avoided at all costs. If you are uncertain about a roofing contractor who has solicited you for service, check for references as well as their listing with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) to see if they are as legitimate as they claim.

At Renovation Team, we can help you get your roof up and running even after a sudden storm. Give us a call at (636) 939-1061, or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation and request a free estimate today. We serve homeowners in Creve Coeur, St. Charles and St. Louis, MO.