4 Reasons to Consider Prefinished Siding

When it comes to finding the right product for your siding replacement project, you are afforded a variety of options. Prefinished siding, for one, is certainly worth exploring.  As a leading home improvement contractor in the area, we know all too well its numerous advantages in terms of project efficiency and aesthetics

1. It Saves Time and Labor.

Except for touch-ups, installing prefinished siding doesn’t require painting. This reduces any splattering, dripping or overspraying, which can take time to correct. The product is ready to install, allowing for quicker project completion that helps you save on labor hours and costs.

2. The Jobsite Remains Clean.

With installation projects involving siding that isn’t prefinished, overspraying can present a challenge because this task can extend further to the surrounding property landscape. By having prefinished siding installed, you eliminate clutter within the work area and any potential mess.

3. The Color Remains Consistent.

When you consider prefinished siding for your exterior siding installation project, the product delivered to your home won’t show any color variations, lap marks, shrink lines or streaks. You can be sure the siding underwent a manufacturing and coating process that follows stringent quality control procedures.

4. You Get a High-Quality Siding Product.

The siding’s uniform finish helps promote balanced weathering, which helps limit the need for constant maintenance. The way the product is manufactured also ensures exceptional quality control that creates a better finish.

Renovation Team is proud to be an LP® BuildSmart™ Pro Member and a preferred installer for LP SmartSide®, the world leader in engineered wood trim and siding. When you choose us to work on your project, you can rest assured that we are licensed, bonded and insured. Expect us to also install beautiful factory-finished siding backed by a minimum 15-year coatings warranty against paint failure.

Our company also provides residential roofing services. Give us a call at (636) 939-1061, or fill out our contact form to request a free estimate. We serve residents of St. Louis and St. Charles, MO.