5 Signs of Roofing Damage That You Could Easily Miss

Your roof is one of the most important parts of your home so it’s vital that you keep up with its maintenance as much as possible. While some of the damage that your roof sustains can be easy to spot, there are also some signs that are difficult to see, especially at ground level. With that in mind, you should be informed about these easy-to-miss signs of roof damage as much as possible. That way, you can call a roofing professional to inspect and repair your roof immediately.

  1. Loose Granules – Eventually, your roof will start to lose its granules. This is usually a sign that your roof is in need of a replacement due to age or a possible manufacturing defect. This is one of the most difficult issues to spot since they can only be seen on the ground and your gutters. Regardless of the case, this is one of the reasons why regular roof inspections are needed.

  1. Shingle Bruises – While loose shingles can be easy to spot, shingle bruises can only be seen through an up-close inspection. Once you see signs of bruising on your shingles, call a roofer as soon as possible for a no-cost inspection to determine if there are any other problems that needs to be addressed.

  1. Pest Infestation – While pest infestation itself isn’t easy to miss, the reason why you’re facing this problem can be. Hearing animals run around your roofing system is a sign that your roof is facing some form of damage. This is because pests are good at finding small holes and cracks in your roof so call a professional to repair the damage as soon as possible.

  1. Shiners – Shiners are nails that missed the framing member of your roof and can be seen on your roof’s underside. Moisture that manages to enter your attic often condenses on cold nails and will melt once the attic heats up once again. The leaks that these shiners can cause can encourage mold growth on your roof and interior.

  1. Drilled Holes – One mistake that homeowners make is thinking that holes they had drilled on purpose for an antenna or a satellite dish won’t cause any roofing damage. However, once those fixtures are removed, the holes can cause rot and damage for years before you even realize it. With that in mind, have a roofer patch up those small holes immediately once the fixture is removed to prevent any roofing damage.

Turn to Renovation Team for your roofing needs. We are your leading provider of roof replacement and siding installation services. Give us a call at (314) 200-2228, or fill out our contact form to request a free quote. We serve homeowners in St. Louis, St. Charles, Creve Coeur and other nearby areas.