How Your Roof Can Affect Your Home Insurance Rates

The roof is one of the most vital parts of a house. It offers protection against the elements like your siding. Another reason it is so important is that it plays a role in determining your insurance rates. 

Here’s how your roof can influence your insurance rates. 

The Relationship Between Roofing and Home Insurance

The roof is among the first things your insurance provider will look at when determining your rates. It’s because this part of your home costs significantly to replace. You are more likely to get lower rates if you have a well-maintained or newly-installed roof. 

Factors That Determine Your Home Insurance Rates


An old or compromised roof is more prone to damage due to weather extremes. Expect your rates to go up if you have a poorly-maintained roofing system. 


A roof’s ability to stand up against weather damage highly depends on material. For instance, asphalt shingles and metal roofing are more likely to sustain damage during a storm than tile or slate. If you have a roofing material with a long lifespan, you might also get lower rates because they don’t need replacement as often. 


Homes in areas with high winds or severe weather conditions will typically have higher rates because they tend to need more replacements or repairs.

How to Keep Insurance Rates Low

Regular maintenance will do more than prolong the life of your roof. It will show your insurer that you are taking steps to care for your home if your roof is at least two decades old or has extensive damage. 

Choose a dependable contractor for your roof replacement project. Turn to Renovation Team for your home exterior needs. We also install siding, gutters and more! Call us at (636) 939-1061 or fill out our contact form to get a free quote. We work with clients around Creve Coeur, St. Charles a