How Your Roof’s Condition Affects Insurance Premiums

Many homeowners don’t give their current home insurance premiums much thought, paying the amount they’re supposed to pay just so their policies remain active. But do you know the factors that determine how much you should be paying?

The Important Role Your Roof Plays

Your roof is an essential part of your home insurance premiums because it is your home’s primary defense against the elements. Its ability to withstand a storm plays an important role in whether or not to file a storm damage claim. In other words, your insurer is looking at it as a means of assessing your level of risk.

roofing system that is in top condition is likely to suffer less damage in the event of a storm, which then lowers your chances of filing a claim. Other factors affect how much your insurance premiums will be, but if you’re a low-risk homeowner living in a property with a well-maintained roof, you can expect to pay less than someone whose roof needs repairs.

Changes in Your Insurance Premiums

The possibility of changes in your insurance premiums will depend on the terms of your policy, but you can let your insurer know when you tackle a home improvement project, particularly a roof repair or replacement. Doing this helps boost your home’s protection against the elements, which lowers the chances of your roof getting damaged.

When it comes to your roofing needs, Renovation Team is the name to trust. We don’t just offer a free assessment to help you determine the extent of the damage, but also advocate for you to help you understand the insurance claim and restoration process. We are ready to help you get what you deserve from your insurance coverage to restore your roof.

Give us a call at (636) 939-1061, or fill out our contact form to request a free estimate. We serve residents of Creve Coeur, St. Charles and St. Louis, MO.