The Do’s and Don’ts of Repairing Your Roof After a Storm

As your roof is your home’s first line of defense against the elements, it may sustain a significant amount of damage, especially when a strong storm passes by your area. And, while it’s understandable that you want to get your roof repaired almost immediately after the storm, there are actually a few rules you need to follow first when it comes to roofing after a storm.

Do: Document the Damage

Before the storm even arrives in your area, experts recommend that you document what you can around your home. Take pictures or videos of your home before the storm arrives, and then take another set documenting the damage once the storm has passed. That way, you’ll have proof of what your home looked like before the storm, and you’ll be able to justify any claims you make with your insurance provider.

Don’t: Go Up on a Roof That’s Sagging or Damaged

As tempting as it may be to fix the roof of your home by yourself, it’s never recommended that you go up on a roofing system that’s sagging or damaged. Not only can this cause further damage to your roof, but it can also be hazardous for homeowners such as yourself as well. Therefore, enlist the services of a professional immediately to have your roof repaired or replaced as soon as possible.

Do: Get the Roof Inspected Before You Replace It

Before you have a new roofing system installed, be sure to have professionals inspect the roof first. That way, they can determine how extensive the damage to your roof is and if it really does need any repairs or replacements after all.

Don’t: Hire the First Person Who Knocks on Your Door

When someone knocks on your door after a storm saying that your roof is damaged, and they can repair it for you, avoid hiring them as they could be storm chasers who are looking to make a quick buck for subpar service. Instead, if you’re worried that your roof really is damaged, look for a reputable and trustworthy roofing contractor.

Make your search for roofing and vinyl siding installation experts easier by turning to Renovation Team. Give us a call at (636) 939-1061, or fill out our contact form to request a free quote. We serve homeowners in St. Louis, Chesterfield and other nearby areas.