What Are the Key Elements of an Asphalt Shingle Roof?

A good roof is more than just a basic cover for your house. It plays a vital role in protecting your home from the elements, ensuring you and your family stay cozy and dry, no matter what Mother Nature throws your way. As your local home improvement contractor, no one knows roofs quite like we do at Renovation Team. We share our knowledge of asphalt shingle roofs in this post.

The Anatomy of an Asphalt Shingle Roof

Every part of an asphalt shingle roof has a specific role to play. Let’s start with the deck. This is the foundational layer, usually made of plywood or oriented strand board (OSB), supporting everything that comes on top. The deck, in turn, is supported by the trusses and rafters, forming the roof’s structural framework. Next is the underlayment. This protective covering is installed directly onto the deck and provides extra protection against water and wind.

Then come the shingles themselves. These are the workhorses of your roof, taking the brunt of the weather and providing the first line of defense against rain, snow and sun. But shingles can’t do the job alone. That’s where the flashing comes in. Installed around vents, chimneys and any roof intersections, flashing helps direct water away and prevents leaks.

Finally, we have the ridge vents. These ventilation systems allow hot, moist air to escape from your attic. This helps to keep your home’s temperature stable and prevent damage to your roof’s structure. They’re equipped with ridge caps to ensure a flawless, streamlined look for your roof.

Importance of Professional Installation

Even the best materials won’t do much good if they’re not installed properly. That’s why it’s crucial to have your roof installed by professionals who know what they’re doing. At Renovation Team, our residential roofing services professionals ensure that your roof is installed correctly and lasts for years.

Regular Maintenance and Inspection

A roof is not a set-it-and-forget-it kind of investment. It requires regular maintenance and inspection for it to last as long as possible. A reliable roofer is sure to find hidden damage after a strong storm and repair it for you.

Quality materials, professional installation, and regular maintenance are key to ensuring your asphalt shingle roof’s efficiency and longevity. Count on Renovation Team to cover all of that. We also provide high-quality exterior siding installation services to homeowners in St. Louis and St. Charles, MO. Call at (636) 939-1061 or fill out this contact form to get an estimate.