4 Tips to Prep for Vinyl Siding

There are several reasons people prefer to get vinyl siding for their homes. Some get a new roofing system and need a versatile design to match. Others look for low-maintenance and high-quality protection in equal measures. Vinyl siding is unique enough to provide you with both. If you do plan on having it installed, here are a few things for which you’ll need to prepare.

Remove Obstacles

Getting rid of the parts of your home that might get in the way, at least temporarily, is going to help the installation. Since it will be applied to the walls, you need to remove the shutters, downspouts and fixtures among other things. Tie up any trees that could scratch against the surface of the siding.

Take Measurements

Measuring the parts of your house that will be getting vinyl siding installation helps you in several ways. Firstly, it can help you visualize each section of your home. Secondly, it can also help your contractor prepare for the installation on his end. This way, you can both discuss how much will be added and how much each addition would cost.


Since you strip down the walls during installation, you should be able to replace any broken or discolored insulation within. Some homeowners choose to install the new siding on top of their original so that they can improve insulation without spending more.

At Renovation Team, we provide exceptional vinyl siding and expert roof replacement services  to boost your home’s curb appeal and value. We also deal with general home improvements, from the bathrooms to the laundry room. Interested in learning more about our services? Call us at (314) 200-2228, or fill out out our contact form to learn more about our products. We serve residents of St. Louis, St. Charles and Chesterfield, MO.