Roof Inspections: How They Help You Save Money

Homeowners are always looking for ways to save money. When it comes to your home’s upkeep, residential roofing services providers will tell you that there’s no better way to save than with proactive roof inspections.

Homeowner’s Insurance

Your homeowner’s insurance can easily help you pay for any roof repair or replacement you need without having to dip into your savings too much. However, for your insurance company to compensate you for the costs of repairs, you have to avoid being negligent. This can easily be accomplished with roof inspections. Failing to do so may cause your insurance adjusters to refuse to compensate you for what you’ve spent, putting a significant dent in your savings.

Structural Damage

Your home improvement contractor will tell you that barring your shingles, all parts of your home are vulnerable to water leaks. Roof inspections can easily spot any problem in your roof that can cause leaks. Furthermore, it can prevent any rot or structural damage that can be necessary but costly to repair.

Mold Contamination

Failing to conduct regular roof inspections in your home can encourage mold growth due to leaks. If allowed to spread throughout your home, toxic mold can easily affect the health of your household. Plus, the removal of the mold infestation can also be another costly expense. This could easily be avoided with proper roof inspections.

Turn to Renovation Team for your home improvement needs. We are your number one provider of roof replacement and exterior siding installation services. Give us a call at (314) 200-2228, or fill out our contact form to request a free quote. We serve homeowners in St. Louis, St. Charles and other nearby areas.