The Effects of Different Weather Events on Your Roof

new roofing system installed by a skilled professional offers better resistance against weather extremes. Harsh conditions can lift shingles and even blow them off of your roof. Experts suggest getting a roof inspection after a storm because not all signs of damage are apparent unless it has spread. 

Keep on reading to learn how different weather events can affect your roof. 


Your roof gets sun exposure daily. The harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun can cause shingles to turn brittle and even crack. When your roof gets too hot, it can expand and contract, resulting in damage. To avoid roof damage due to excessive heat, make sure you have sufficient ventilation. 


High winds, when strong enough, can loosen shingles or cause them to blister or crack. When this happens, exposed areas will become susceptible to damage caused by the elements. Make sure to get a professional inspection after a weather event to detect and address damage while they are small. 


Constant, heavy rainfalls can cause water to penetrate the small or holes in your roof. Water may also settle on the low spots of the roof, leading to moisture-related problems. Getting regular inspections and maintenance helps in preventing leaks from developing in your roof. 


It’s essential to have any snow or ice buildup removed from your roof after a snowstorm. The added weight of these ice formations can damage your roof and gutters. When ice dams start to melt, the water can penetrate beneath the shingle and refreeze, causing further damage to the roof. 


Hail is another element that can cause significant damage to your roof. Fast-falling hail can loosen the protective granules on roofing shingles, resulting in early deterioration. Without these granules, the shingles will become exposed and prone to damage. 

Let Renovation Team handle your residential roofing needs. You can also rely on us for your vinyl siding installation project. Call us at (636) 939-1061, or fill out our contact form to get a free estimate. We work with clients in St. Louis and St. Charles, MO.